Essential Instructions to Design Perfect Hindu Wedding Invitation Cards

Hindu Wedding Invitation

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Hinduism is one of the oldest religions and is very much popular due to its customs and traditions. Hundreds of traditions are bound in the religion and most of them are seen at the time of a Hindu marriage ceremony. Though it is termed as a single religion, there are hundreds of ethnicities that live under their rules and regulations.

All ethnicities of Hinduism have one thing in common; a grand style of wedding. A Hindu wedding is a mixture of several types of customs, traditions, fun, celebration, and happiness; these ceremonies are held with fun and frolic. Before the ceremony begins, the first thing done is sending an invitation to the relatives and friends for the marriage. These invitations are most important before the main wedding ceremony.

How to Make Perfect Hindu Wedding Invitation Cards?

It is a well known fact that in Hinduism there isn’t a single god; in fact, there are millions, so the design of the invitation cards doesn’t depend upon the portrait of a single god. Since ancient times, Hindu wedding invitation cards are there in variable forms to invite others, and are well known as Nimantran Patra or Lagna Patrika. Designing of these invitation cards include lots of ritual and customs.

Some elements are easily found on Hindu wedding cards, and these elements are often regarded as the bringer of happiness. The use of turmeric on Hindu marriage invitation cards symbolizes purity and auspicious beginning of the sacred ceremony. Apart from turmeric, there is also seen the use of vermilion and uncooked rice grains which symbolize peace, innocence, and purity. Sometimes, the entire wedding cards are red, because it is an auspicious color.

Hindu Wedding Invitation Cards

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Apart from various elements people also use symbols of different Hindu deities. Among them is the Hindu deity Lord Ganesha, who is described as a remover of all hurdles and obstructions. The place of Lord Ganesha is seen most in Hindu wedding invitation cards. Sometimes, Lord Ganesha is seen with Laxmi (goddess of wealth) and Saraswati (goddess of learning) or alone.

There are many symbols that are into usage with the wedding cards, and some of them reflect high beauty and grace. Sometimes there are motifs of peacock or peacock feathers, which symbolize a good starting of the wedding. While on the other hand, the symbol of Om, a lamp, or Swastika is also designed to depict the Hindu culture. In Hinduism, the symbol of Swastika stands very high.

What Are the Wordings included in Hindu Marriage Invitation Cards?

Almost all languages that today a Hindu uses come almost from the chief language of Sanskrit, but not many people can speak. Thus, most of the wordings in Hindu marriage invitation cards are in regional languages like Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, and others. The wordings are mainly shlokas and mantras form Hindu holy books such as Bhagavad Gita, and Vedas. The information about the bride and grooms along with their parents is mentioned in a graceful manner. It is the creativity that matters!