A Small Guide On Glass Polishing Powder

 Glass Polishing Powder

Glass Polishing Powder | Image Resource : 5.imimg.com

Polishing is a process by which a very smooth shiny surface is created by using some light abrasive product. The surface that is polished has a fine layer removed off it. Before the process of polishing starts, the surface to be cleaned is thoroughly cleaned.

Glass polishing powder (Cerium Oxide)

Cerium oxide is the oxidized form of cerium which is an earth metal. It is also called by several names such as ceric oxide, ceria, cerium oxide, ceric dioxide or cerium dioxide. Its appearance is that of a light yellow or white colour. It is primarily used as a glass polishing powder. It is essential and very popular commercial product. But, it has other usages too. One of it is to be used as an intermediary in purification in order to obtain the pure element from its ores.

Production process:

Cerium is naturally available, mixed with other rare elements. 2 principle ores of Cerium are monaziteand bastnaesite. After having extracted the metal ions, ceramic is separated from the mixture by the addition of oxidants that is followed by an adjustment in pH. This process exploits low solubility of Cerium Oxide and the fact that other rare elements do not oxidise readily.

Defects of ceria:

The primary defects of Ceria are the oxygen vacancies. An increase in oxygen defects in turn leads to an increase in the oxide diffusion rate. This increases the ionic conductivity. These are the properties that help silica qualify to be used as a solid electrolyte and is used as the same in solid-oxide fuel cells.

Cerium Oxide as a Polishing powder:

The main usage of ceria is as a polishing agent. It is mostly used for chemical-mechanical polishing or CMP. This compound has replaced several other oxides that have traditionally been used, mainly Iron oxide and Zirconia. The hobbyist also calls it “Optician’s Rogue”.